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Twitter: @StillinPrison

Facebook: @StillinPrison



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Sample Twitter Post: 

Every juror's vote is supposed to matter. But the KKK helped pass a law in Oregon to silence only certain juror's voices. So they could convict whoever they wanted. The Supreme Court finally struck this law down. But people are still imprisoned by it. 

Video Embed Links: To include a video in the tweet copy one of the video embed links below. If you are including a video in the tweet do not include the link to or any other link, as additional links will prevent the video from embedding in the tweet. 

Sample Facebook Post: 

Every juror's vote is supposed to matter. But the KKK helped pass a law in Oregon to silence only certain juror's voices. So they could convict whoever they wanted. The Supreme Court finally struck this law down. But people are still imprisoned and oppressed by it. Oregon must End This injustice. We must topple this racist legal monument.